These are a few "words" that the flock uses.
I'm pretty sure that they aren't shared by
many other flocks.  If your lovebirds have
the same words, please drop me a line!

Flock Call
Boomer doing the Santa Cruz flock call.
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)

Chivey!  The word for happy or "Everything's fine!"
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
When everyone is upset about something, I can say
"chivey" to them (with the head bob) and they will
often calm down and chivey back to me.

Putter and Scratch
Courting -  The old "Putter and Scratch"
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
Pretty much a universal courting behavior for Peachface

Mini cutting twigs
Mini- Super twig cutter, making twigs for her nest.
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)

Mini drags paper into nest
Mini saves time by dragging whole sheet into nest.
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)

lovebirds in liplock
Boomer & Feep liplocking - can go on for 5+ minutes!
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
It has to be romantic or sensual for them.  Very
little food gets passed back and forth.

toytoy - the word for "happy nest hen"
Toytoy- The word for "happy nest hen"
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
Also a word used by hens to ask for more
paper to shread.

Doh - "something's wrong"
Doh! -  "Something wrong?!?"
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
It's funny how in-context they are when they
use this word.  I've been in another room and
something has fallen on the floor.
Feep, the Queen Hen, ran out of her
nest and said "DOH!?!"   I answered with
"Chivey" and she went back in her nest.
If I don't answer, she will tend to stand guard
for a while and sometimes "chit" - the word
for unhappiness or frustration.

Rosie Speak
RosieSpeak - My slate doesn't know what
she means but he thinks that she's hot.
MP4 (Quicktime)   MPG (Windows)
Rosie is slowly learning flock words.  She
is even figuring out which ones are "hen only"